Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This is hard.

So, after much political manoeuvering and social finagling (okay, I e-mailed the volunteer coordinator), I get to be a listener for the PDX Pop Now! compilation this year. Please do not send bombs to my blog. I will, however accept pastry or savory baked goods. Any combination of baked goods with bacon will get extra consideration.

This is much harder than it seems. First of all, all the tracks have been sanitized of all identifying information except...damn, do I know that voice? Second, it turns out that liking a song takes a few listens, while hating it can be done in...well, most of the time I get all the way through the song, but sometimes I can't quite manage that. And third, though this makes me sound a bit incompetent, I've got a long list of track/vote/track/vote/track/vote. After I've skipped a few votes (see problem the second), it's easy to get confused. There's no notable visual marker to indicate whether the vote goes with the song above it, or below it. Though to my knowledge, I've only screwed that up once.

The current track only took about 20 seconds before it merited a no. The nos are easy. Next!

I've got about 85 tracks to listen to. I've voted no a bunch of times, yes a few times, and skipped a ton of songs for a second listen. And I need to get it all decided by this weekend (when my votes will be compiled with a bunch of other people's...so again, don't bother with the bombs, but I'm happy to accept pastry). Wish me luck.

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